Smart School Virtual School

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The Narenji Team, by implementing a smart school system, a professional website, comprehensive SEO smart school(technical, content, and local smart school), and executing targeted digital marketing campaigns (Google Ads, social ...

Smart School Virtual School

Do You Want Your School to Shine in the Digital Space and Increase Its Student Enrollment?

The Narenji Team can transform your school into a well-known online brand by implementing a smart school system, a professional website, comprehensive SEO (technical, content, and local), and executing targeted digital marketing campaigns (Google Ads, social media, email marketing, etc.).

Our Benefits:

- Increased Enrollment: Attract more students through search engines and social media.
- Strong Branding: Create a unique online identity and enhance parent trust.
- Better Communication with Parents: Quickly and easily inform through SMS, social media, and email.
- One-Year Free Support: Includes ongoing site optimization, performance analysis, and technical issue resolution.

Stay ahead of the competition with us. We offer a satisfaction guarantee with a money-back option if you are not happy with the results.

Smart School System or Smart School Software: A Comprehensive Overview

A smart school system, or school automation system, is a powerful tool for managing and improving educational processes in schools. These systems provide various functionalities for administrators, teachers, students, and parents using information technology. Let’s delve into a comprehensive look at these systems and their key features.

Key Features of Smart School Systems:

- Web-Based Management Panel: Allows school administrators to centrally manage school operations including student registrations, class definitions, lesson planning, grade entries, and more.
- Teacher App: Teachers can access student information, lesson plans, grades, and assignments, as well as enter grades.
- Parent App: Parents can access their child’s information, lesson plans, grades, attendance, and school notices through a dedicated app.
- Class Management: Create and manage classes dynamically, assign teachers to classes, and allocate students to classes.
- Student Registration: Easy registration of new students and creation of profiles for each student.
- Lesson Planning Management: Set lesson plans for each class and display them online.
- Grade Entry: Teachers can enter student grades and display them online for students and parents.
- Attendance Management: Record student attendance and send notifications to parents in case of absences.
- Assignment Management: Assign tasks to students, send assignments online, and allow teachers to grade them.
- Library Management: Manage library books and enable students to reserve books.
- Event Management: Record important school events (such as parent meetings, celebrations, etc.) and send notifications to parents.
- Financial Management: Manage school expenses and income, issue invoices, etc.
- Messaging System: Allows internal messaging between administrators, teachers, students, and parents.
- Reporting: Provide various reports on student, teacher, and school performance.

Benefits of Using a Smart School System:

- Increased Efficiency: Streamline administrative and educational processes.
- Better Parent Communication: Enhance communication between the school and parents with clear information.
- Improved Education Quality: Personalize education for each student.
- Cost Reduction: Lower paper and administrative costs.
- Enhanced Data Security: Protect student and staff information.

Unique Features of Narenji Team’s Smart School System:

- Free Support: One-year technical support included.
- High Security: Utilizes advanced security technologies to protect information.
- Web and App Platform: Easy access through both web and mobile applications.
- Regular Backups: Regular data backups to ensure data safety.
- Open Source: Customizable and expandable system.

Features of Virtual School Systems

A smart school system or virtual school system is an integrated web-based solution that offers intelligent management of every aspect of a school, from educational management to attendance and financial management, all within one unified system. A school administrator needs a comprehensive and cohesive system to effectively oversee all parts of the school.

With an affordable virtual school system, manage all school processes electronically and automatically. This not only saves time and costs but also ensures that your school operates professionally and stays ahead of others. This system is suitable for all educational levels across Iran and can be customized to meet the needs of any school administrator.

A curriculum management software is an online system for managing schools, teachers, staff, parents, and students, allowing them to collaborate seamlessly. This system also acts as an interface between the school, students, and parents. Here are some key reasons why the Narenji Team's virtual school system is beneficial and practical: 

Features of the Virtual School System

The smart school system is an integrated web-based platform that provides intelligent solutions for managing every aspect of a school. From educational management to attendance and financial management, all functionalities are available within one unified system. School administrators need a comprehensive and cohesive system to effectively oversee all parts of the school.

With an affordable virtual school system, you can manage all school processes electronically and automatically. This not only saves time and costs but also ensures a professional operation and keeps you ahead of other schools. This system is applicable for all educational levels across Iran and can be customized to meet the needs of any school administrator.

Curriculum Management Software:

An online system for managing schools, teachers, staff, parents, and students, enabling seamless collaboration among them. This system also acts as an interface between the school, students, and parents. Here are some key benefits and features of the Narenji Team's virtual school system:

Dedicated Website for Smart Schools:

Initially, we will implement a professional website for your school, providing an attractive online showcase! We will optimize it or perform SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to ensure it ranks on the first page of Google for free, and you will receive one year of free support. Digital marketing is your trump card in competing with other schools. To have a prominent presence in the digital space and stay ahead of your competitors, simply entrust your school's digital marketing to the Narenji Team!

Online Attendance Management:

- Record attendance or tardiness in both class-specific and general categories.
- Send SMS and notifications to parents.
- Define acceptable attendance times, holidays, and generate overall reports on absences and tardiness.
- Record justifications and explanations from parents for student absences or tardiness.
- The system also allows reporting of teacher attendance and tardiness.

Precise Attendance Recording:

- Instant attendance recording for each class.
- Record reasons for absence (justified or unjustified).
- Define criteria for different types of absences (tardiness, complete absence, leave, etc.).
- Automatic notifications to parents in case of student absences or tardiness.
- Comprehensive reports on student attendance over different time periods.
- Filter reports based on class, student, and reason for absence.
- Calculate attendance and absence percentages for each student.
- Define acceptable entry and exit times for students and staff.
- Send alerts for entry or exit outside of acceptable hours.
- Set attendance times for different days of the week.
- Define official and unofficial holidays.
- Automatically adjust attendance records for holidays.
- Send SMS, email, and notifications to parents.
- Create a dedicated portal for parents to view their child's attendance status.
- Allow parents to provide explanations for their child’s absences or tardiness.
- Record attendance for school staff (teachers, administrative staff, etc.).
- Calculate working hours and leave for staff.

Online Examination System:

- Create multiple-choice, descriptive, mixed, and scored exams, with reporting and grading.
- Graphs for scores, descriptive answers, automatic question segmentation from images, anti-cheating measures, image and audio-based exams, and ranking students.

Question Bank:

- Create various question types (multiple-choice, descriptive, mixed, image-based, audio-based).
- Define difficulty levels, categorize questions by subject, chapter, and topic.
- Upload audio and video files for questions.
- Use mathematical formulae for math questions.

Exam Creation:

- Randomly select questions from the question bank.
- Set exam duration, number of questions, and point values.
- Configure question display settings (random or sequential).

Exam Conduct:

- User-friendly interface for students.
- Online answering capabilities.
- Save incomplete answers and continue later.

Automatic Grading:

- Automatic grading of multiple-choice questions.
- Define answer keys for descriptive questions.
- Use natural language processing algorithms for grading descriptive answers (if applicable).

Reporting and Results:

- Provide diverse reports on student performance (scores, correct answers percentage, progress graphs).
- Create individual and class report cards.


- Prevent cheating with methods such as:
- Randomizing questions.
- Limiting response time.
- Preventing copy-pasting.
- Using plagiarism detection systems.

Additional Features:

- Conduct simultaneous online exams for large groups.
- Hold practice exams.
- Analyze test results statistically to improve teaching quality.
- Integrate with Learning Management Systems (LMS).

Financial Payment Gateway for Virtual Schools:

- Generate pro forma invoices for payments such as tuition, books, school services, installment payments, check registrations, account deposits, and online payments.
- Online payments benefit both parents and the school, facilitating quicker payment notifications and allowing parents to easily make various payments. The system can also manage school costs based on Excel or file-based systems.

Educational Content Management:

- Upload images, large files, and videos in an organized manner.
- Students can download files, post comments or questions, and teachers can respond.

Digital Consent Forms:

- Send consent forms to parents for electronic signing using their phone. The system is designed to work seamlessly across all browsers on Windows, Android, iPhone (iOS), Mac, and more.

Online Class Register:

- A class register where teachers can enter all routine class activities such as attendance, class questions, disciplinary matters, activities, and exams for all students without flipping pages.

Weekly, Monthly, or Annual Reporting:

- Record disciplinary and commendatory actions, score with positive and negative points, define default actions, and generate weekly and monthly performance reports. Parents can instantly check their child's academic progress. This system helps track academic performance over specified periods and strengthens the connection between parents and the school, enhancing student productivity.

Customizable Disciplinary and Commendatory Actions:

- Define specific disciplinary and commendatory actions for each class or student.
- Weight different disciplinary or commendatory actions for a more precise scoring system.
- Visual charts to show changes in student behavior over time (e.g., line charts, bar charts).
- Automatic reminders for teachers and parents about important events like counseling sessions, assignment deadlines, etc.
- Integration with other school systems: Link to attendance, LMS, and library systems for a comprehensive solution.
- Data security: Use strong encryption methods to protect student and parent information.
- Define access levels: Set different access levels for users (administrators, teachers, parents, students) to maintain confidentiality.
- Custom reporting: Create reports tailored to specific needs of each school or teacher.
- Search and filter capabilities: Quickly find required information in the system.
- Comprehensive reporting: Provide detailed reports on overall student, class, and school performance over various periods.
- Performance comparison: Compare student performance with peers and class averages.
- Advanced analytical reports: Use data analysis tools to identify patterns and trends in student behavior.
- Parent portal: A dedicated portal for parents to easily access information about their child.
- Two-way messaging: Facilitate direct communication between parents and teachers via the system.
- Parent surveys: Collect feedback from parents about the system and school performance.
- User-friendly interface: Design an intuitive and attractive interface for all users.
- Online help: Provide user guides and online support.
- Mobile optimization: Ensure the system is accessible via mobile phones and tablets. 

Virtual School System Features

Smart School System Overview:
A smart school system is an integrated web-based platform designed to provide intelligent solutions for managing every aspect of a school. From educational management systems to attendance, financial management, and more, everything is available in one unified system. School administrators need a comprehensive and cohesive system to effectively oversee all parts of the school.

With the virtual school system, you can manage all school processes in a fully automated and electronic manner at an affordable cost. This not only saves time and money but also ensures that your school operates professionally and stays ahead of others. This system is usable for all levels of schools in Iran and can be customized by any administrator.

Features of the Smart School System:

1. Dedicated School Website:
- We create a professional website for your school, optimizing it for SEO and ensuring it ranks on the first page of Google. Free annual support is included.
- Digital marketing is crucial to stand out from other schools; let our team handle it for you!

2. Online Attendance System:
- Real-time attendance tracking for students and teachers.
- Ability to record reasons for absences (excused or unexcused), set attendance criteria, and send automatic notifications to parents.
- Detailed reports on attendance and absences.

3. Online Testing System:
- Supports various types of tests (multiple choice, essay, mixed) with automatic grading and reporting.
- Bank of questions with categorization, difficulty levels, and multimedia support.
- Secure testing with features to prevent cheating and detailed analysis of results.

4. Financial Management Portal:
- Invoice generation, installment management, and online payment integration.
- Convenient for parents and efficient for school administration.

5. Educational Content Management:
- Upload and organize educational materials (photos, files, videos) with the option for students to download and interact with them.
- Digital signature capability for consent forms.

6. Online Classroom Management:
- Digital class registers for tracking routine activities, attendance, and disciplinary actions.

7. Reporting and Analytics:
- Detailed reports on student performance, attendance, disciplinary actions, and more.
- Comparative analysis and visual graphs for better understanding.

8. Task and Study Planning Module:
- Define, assign, and track homework and study plans with integrated tools for feedback and grading.
- Track study hours and compare with academic progress.

9. Parent and Teacher Communication:
- Dedicated portals for parents and teachers with messaging capabilities.
- Real-time updates on student progress and activities.

10. Support and Security:
- Free annual support and continuous backup of the system.
- Strong security measures and certifications to protect data.

11. Customization and Integration:
- Modules can be customized and integrated with other school systems (LMS, attendance, library).

12. User Panels:
- Separate panels for teachers, students, parents, administrative staff, and management with specific access levels.

Cost and Contact
The price of the system varies based on features and capabilities. For exact pricing and further information, please contact the support team or sales experts at:

- Phone: +989120884643, +989119171500
- Email:

Group Narenji, Amol 

2024 Sep 04

posted : Super User

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For more information, please feel free to contact us.

mobile: 09119171500
tell: 09120884643
